Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a
GREAT week and has exciting plans for the weekend. I'm heading to my
hometown...I haven't been home since the end of June! A friend and I are
going to Ikea (I think) to shop for stuff for my apartment. And my
couch is being delivered on Tuesday! I've lived here for 24 days and I'm
excited to get settled and my make my apartment 'mine.'
I couldn't pick just once 'favourite thing' this week...So here are a four!
1. Starbucks! I had previously mentioned how much I love Starbucks Via (and I still do) but this week I was introduced to Iced Caramel Coffee. I love this instant coffee which is made specifically to be served cold.
2. Wax tarts/melts. I was introduced to this product by My Dream Sample Box. My apartment must be sandwiched between two apartments that are home to smokers. At various times, different parts of my apartment smell like smoke. Sometimes it's stronger than other times. And sometimes, it's super strong. I've taken to burning wax tarts a lot in an attempt to mask the smoke odour. (A future post will be dedicated to my favourite brands and scents of wax tarts/melts).
3. My Dream Sample Box. I LOVE this company, and Holly, the owner is AMAZING! (she and I were Facebooking back and forth as I wrote this...she had me laughing out loud. I love that girl!) MDSB is great and everyone should check out their website. And order a sample box. I ordered my August boxes last night...I can't wait for them to arrive!
4. I've mentioned many times over what a HUGE Big Brother fan I am. Last night, Boogie got evicted. Britney is one of my all time favourite Big Brother house guests. She is so funny and I love her DR (Diary Room) segments. Including, last nights goodbye message to Boogie!
Ian's goodbye message and Boogie's reaction were great too:

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