On August 1, I officially moved to a new city. Not only was this a city I've never lived in, but I had spent the past 4-5 years living in a small, rural, mid-western (or southwestern, depending who you ask) town. I was ready for city life again. With this move, came my very first apartment! I had never lived in an apartment before...always houses.
Everyone, except me, was excited for me to live in an apartment. Questions about how I was going to decorate, what my style is and what my colour palette was going to be arose. My answer was "I don't know." To most, this was not an acceptable answer.
I've now been in my apartment for almost two months. My decorating so far has been what's on sale that I can live with. I've declared my style to be minimalist. And my colour palette is brown and white, which just so happen to be the same colours of my couch and shelves, the only furniture (beside my bed and two tv tray tables) I have.
I've decided to introduce a new, monthly blog series called 'Apartment Sweet Apartment' where I will document my apartment set up and living.
The before tour Aug 1, the day I moved in):
Entrance way:
Not very big, but that's ok. Right behind the door, is the only closet (beside the bedroom). That black thing (to the right of dreamsandcolour.blogspot.com) is the back of a fridge, it's in the entrance way to the kitchen.
Kitchen: Because the kitchen entrance was blocked, no pictures of the kitchen.
Living room:
You can see the entrance way. The door on the left of the picture is the bathroom. The pictures is taken basically standing beside the entrance to my bedroom.
This picture is taken with my back to the entrance to my bedroom. The white on the right side of the picture is the bathroom door. Where the TV box is, is where I had planned to put a table (on the hunt of a bar or cocktail height table). To the left is balcony.
Not sure why I didn't take a picture from the other side of the room (ie where the tv is) to show not just the other side of the living room, but the entrance to my bedroom as well.
Balcony: For some reason, didn't take a picture.
This picture was taken from the doorway of the bathroom. It is a long, narrow space. It's awkward. To the right is the sink. Beside the toilet is the bath tub/shower. Seriously, not a lot of room.This is just a closer shot of the toilet. You can see how close the toilet and tub are.
The tile for the shower and the shower head.
(And the shower caddy I wasn't going to buy but my friend told me I had too)
This is the light in the bathroom.
There is no mirror. When I asked about this, the people in the apartment before had put in the tile and their own mirror, which they took when they left. The apartment complex provides a standard mirror, but because of the custom tile, the mirror doesn't fit...or something. Anyway, no mirror and if I want one, I have to get it myself.
The sink (with no mirror). You can't tell from this picture, but there isn't a lot of counter space. The counter space is basically seen in this picture.
This was taken from the doorway of my bedroom. It's not a big room by any means and I don't have a lot of space. You can't really tell, but the top left part of the picture is the entrance to my closet.This is standing in the doorway to the bedroom, looking straight ahead. In the upper right side of the picture, there's a small piece of white, that's the window. As you can see, not a lot of room between my bed and the wall.
This is standing with my back to the window. Again, not a ton of room between the wall and bed. As you can see, part of the room goes back...that's my closet. Like everything else, not a lot of room!
My apartment is classified as a "bachelor apartment" because the closet and my bedroom do not have doors. A true bachelor is an open concept, one room apartment. I don't mind not having doors, but I like having separate rooms. I also love the tile in the bathroom and the fact that there is no carpet in the apartment! It's all tile or laminate.
So, that's the tour from the day I moved in. Each month I will be showing how the decorating/settling in process is going with my apartment.

Love those floors! Very nice!