I have always loved the song Betterman by Pearl Jam. There's a line in the song, "She dreams in colour/She dreams in red", that is one of my favourite song lyrics.
I'm not sure what made me want to include a portion of this lyric in my blog name... I originally wanted my blog to be "Dreams in Colour", but it was already in use by another blog. "Dreams and Colour" was available and it was close enough to the original name that I wanted, so I went for it.
I started blogging in November of 2011 and "Dreams and Colour" has always been my blog name.
Now that you know how I chose my blog name, head over to Amber's blog and link up!

I love hearing about the history behind a name. Mine really isn't that creative! My last name is my blog name: The Hartungs. I didn't want to restrict it just to my name & husbands name, in case I'm still blogging when we have children. But I'd love to eventually design my blog with hearts because of our last name!
The Hartungs Blog