Linking up with my darling friend Jenn from Party of One for Weekly What?
Basically, you put all of your Monday-Friday posts in one post on Saturday and then link up your Saturday post! What a great idea!
Basically, you put all of your Monday-Friday posts in one post on Saturday and then link up your Saturday post! What a great idea!
Here is my Weekly What?
MONDAY: Started the week off with some inspiration.
TUESDAY: Every Tuesday, I link up with Amber for Hey! It's Ok.
WEDNESDAY: The third Wednesday of every month, I write about a book I've read recently. This month, I wrote about 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30 . I had heard a lot about this book, but I personally feel it didn't live up to the hype.
THURSDAY: Recap of my birthday. Nothing spectacular, but a recap none-the-less.
FRIDAY: The last Friday of every month is Project Pinterest. I take something I pinned and do it. This month, Rolo stuffed Ritz Crackers.

So glad to have you linked up with us dear friend! Here's to a great week ahead :)XO