As everyone know by now, Google Reader will be going into retirement in a few months. I had heard rumours that this would be happening but I hoped the actual day would never come.
When I saw on Twitter yesterday that July 1 is the official retirement most bloggers, I had a mild panic attack. But I pulled it together and signed up for Bloglovin.

Or you can subscribe via e-mail (which you can find under GFC on the left sidebar).
Basically, I hope everyone will continue to stick around and read this blog. Couple of fun things coming up over the next few months!
EDIT: Everyone should read Nathan's post about Google Reader and GFC. I was wondering about a couple of the things he addressed. It was really helpful and informative.
While you're at it, head over to Lisette's blog. She has a super easy tutorial on how to important Google Reader feed to Bloglovin.

I'm switching to Bloglovin too. We're having a big giveaway to encourage people to follow us on BL as well, let me know if you're interested. It's a $10 buy in but the gift card pot is up to $150 so far so it's going to be big! :)