We had a winter storm warning on Thursday, so our office was closed. We had power outages for most of Thursday. Friday wasn't much better, so our office was closed again. I had four day weekend! I didn't do much with it...just read, slept and watched tv/movies. It was super relaxing.
I have a busy week ahead of me, even more so since our office was closed for two days.
Also, if you want to win a Kindle Fire HD, go here.

1. When did you join twitter?
Almost a year ago...Not 100% sure, but my first tweet was the beginning of May 2012.
(EDIT: In reading other people`s posts, I found out about the website When Did You Join Twitter. I joined April 22, 2012...getting close to the one year mark!)
2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow?
Brock Alumni (@brockalumni), Molly Ford (@smartprettyawk), Shelley Cook (@shelleyacook), Cause We're Canadian (@madeincanada), Stats Canada (@stats_canada)
3. Who is your favorite celeb to follow?
Bob Mckenzie (@tsnbobmckenzie), Scott Michael Foster (@scottmfoster), Joffrey Lupul (@jlupul), Paul Bissonnette (@biznasty2point0)
4. Have you ever had a celeb respond to a tweet?
Yes! Brittany Toll (@brittanytoll)- Miss New Mexico USA 2011, Colby Armstrong (@armdog)- Professional hockey player for the Montreal Canadiens, Kate McKenna (@TSNKate)- TSN Sports reporter, Amber Myers (@whisperingamber)- Author, Dilshad Vadsaria (@dilshadvadsaria)- Actress, Rick Dykstra (@rickdykstra)- MP
5. What is your favorite store/brand to follow?
I actually don't follow a lot of store/brands... so CoCo Mango Fro Yo (@cocomango_froyo) and Starbucks Canada (@starbuckscanada)
6. Give us three tweeps we should be following.
Molly Ford (@smartprettawk)
Brittany Toll (@brittanytoll)Paul Bissonnette (@biznasty2point0)
You can find me @dreamsandcolour

Is it sad I don't know any of the celebs you posted? Eek. I'll have to change that! :)