First of all....Happy Mother's Day!I know that everyone says they have the best mom, but my mom really is the best! She is the most kind, giving, selfless and funny people I know. You can read more about my mom here. I am so, so, so lucky that she's my mom. I love you mom and I hope you have an amazing day!

1. 1 year ago I was doing...
Exactly one year ago today was my Aunt Mary's funeral. I had also just left my job (contract ended) and was trying to figure out what to do next.
2. 5 years ago I was doing...
2008...I was still living in my hometown, working in insurance, getting ready for my high school reunion (held in May and I was on the committee) and I was getting ready for a city wide event (I was chair) that was taking place in July.
3. 10 years ago I was doing...
2003...I had just finished my first year at Brock University, I was taking a summer course (Physical Geography, which was my science credit) and waitressing at a golf course. be a university student again!
4. 1 year from now I'll be doing...
Oh gosh...I hope to be in the same place, more or less, that I now. I love my job, I love where I live, I love my friends, I love...everything about my life. I would like to not be working on a contract and making a bit more money (the joys of working in non-profit!) but I don't think I'd change much else. Well, I would like to be more focused on events/sponsorship/fundraising and less on admin/volunteers.
5. 5 years ago I'll be doing...
I'll be in my 30's, so I hope to be "settled" whatever that means. Maybe working at a provincial level, but with the same organization. I just want to be happy.
6. 10 years from now I'll be doing...
See above! I'm not the type of person to plan in advance. I know that life happens and things changes. You have to be adaptable. 10 months ago, I had a plan for what I would be doing in a year. In October, December, February and April that planned drastically. Life is a journey, an experience, a mystery,,,and I can't wait to see it all!

Love reading your blog!