The title of this post, Sapere Aude, is Latin for 'Dare to Learn' which is also the motto of my high school. I love our motto for so many reasons- which I will not get into now.
My sister graduated from high school yesterday. I already wrote about how great my sister is and how proud I am of her. Seeing her graduate and reflecting on everything she has done and how much she has grown in four years...let's just say, I have the most amazing sister in the world.
One of my favourite moments from the night, was right at the end of graduation, before the graduates left the building. The grads all stood and sang the Alma Mater. I love the Alma Mater and I can't express what it was like to hear our newest alumni singing it.
During graduation, my sister was given the Peer Tutor Award. This award is given to a graduating student, who is nominated within the school, for the work they do with their peers who have special needs.
My sister was also the recipient of the Community Living Scholarship. This is awarded to a student who is dedicated to working with and enriching the lives of people in the community who are living with special needs.
Did I mention that my sister is an Ontario Scholar as well? An Ontario Scholar is an award from the Ministry of Education and is based on academic distinction. Basically, my sister is a pretty smart cookie.
It was bittersweet watching my sister graduate. She is the last one in our family to graduate from this school- my dad, uncle, brother, two cousins and I are all graduates. While it's the end of an era, it's also exciting to welcome her to the Alumni Association and share the Alumni experience with her.
Up next for my sister? A 6 week University program in Quebec (which she earned a full scholarship for) before heading to another one of my Alma Maters (she earned an entrance scholarship), where she will pursue a double major.
See? I really do have an amazing sister!

She is truly amazing! What a special day!