Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time.
To be a little unhappy that Rogers is no longer offering ABC Spark. While I wasn't crazy about the new programs...I loved that they showed Hope & Faith and Greek. I'm really not happy about the channel being removed.
That I'm not crazy about the Lilly prints/designs that are being used for the 2013-14 agendas. I don't really like any of the options...I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
To be very excited and happy for a good friend (who's also a co-worker) and her husband who are expecting their first child in December!
That I'm kind of nervous and excited about our Dragon Boat race this weekend! We've had one practice so far and have another one tomorrow...we've never raced before. I'm hoping it will be a really fun day and that we won't have too bad of a showing...we're aiming for middle of the pack!
To think that everyone should enter this great summer giveaway!

You could try the Erin Condren life planner instead of the lilly