Idea taken from Amber at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock At A Time.
To be exhausted and needing/wanting a day off. Sadly, my work schedule is so packed that there's no day off until next week.
That next week we start our summer work hours- we close at noon on Friday! I cannot wait for this!
That, as an event planner, some venues I host events at send me home with a package of leftover food. This happened yesterday and from one container, I'm getting three meals.
To be nostalgic over my time at Brock University. Convocation was this past week and seeing all of the posts, tweets and pictures from grad has made me think back to my own time at Brock and wish I could go back and re-live those days.
To think that everyone should enter this great summer giveaway!

Mmm, I'd be happy with free meals!