I'm in the middle of a week-ish off- I took Thursday and Friday off, this weekend, Monday is a holiday, and I took Tuesday off. I haven't taken this much time off since I went to Florida in March! It's pretty nice to take a break from work and just recharge.

1. What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis
(water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count)?
Blackberry, internet access, social interaction.
Blackberry, internet access, social interaction.
2. What is your all time favorite book? Why?
I have a lot of 'favourite' books, but the first one that comes to mind and probably the one that I re-read most in a year is Prep: A Novel. I love this book for so many reasons. I love Lee as a character- her observations, her experiences, her relationships. I reviewed the book here.
I have a lot of 'favourite' books, but the first one that comes to mind and probably the one that I re-read most in a year is Prep: A Novel. I love this book for so many reasons. I love Lee as a character- her observations, her experiences, her relationships. I reviewed the book here.
3. What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of
Oh gosh...I have no idea! I've had a really great 2013 (so far) and accomplished all of my personal/professional goals that I set for this year. Brock's Homecoming is in September and I would love to have a REALLY great Homecoming!
Oh gosh...I have no idea! I've had a really great 2013 (so far) and accomplished all of my personal/professional goals that I set for this year. Brock's Homecoming is in September and I would love to have a REALLY great Homecoming!
4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which
year would it be?
Another hard question...I've had a lot of really great years, so it's tough to pick one. But, I'll say grade 12. Prom, graduation, adventures with my (then) best friends...a lot happened that year and it was a really fun year.
Another hard question...I've had a lot of really great years, so it's tough to pick one. But, I'll say grade 12. Prom, graduation, adventures with my (then) best friends...a lot happened that year and it was a really fun year.
5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to
tell them?
I'm actually a really nice, fun, smart person...I know I look stuck up and I know sometimes when I meet people I'm quiet, which makes me seem snobby...I'm quiet because I'm observing the situation and trying to decide how to react...but I'm actually a very nice, friendly, person.
I'm actually a really nice, fun, smart person...I know I look stuck up and I know sometimes when I meet people I'm quiet, which makes me seem snobby...I'm quiet because I'm observing the situation and trying to decide how to react...but I'm actually a very nice, friendly, person.

I prefer the reserved observer angle when meeting new people too.. Have to feel people out before you know how to react around them!
ReplyDelete-Lauren @ Going Green: Our Army Adventure