I have decided to participate in Blogtember.
It seems like something that would be pretty fun. I have no idea if
I'll be able to actually do this, but I'm going to give it a try!
Today's prompt:
Today's prompt:
Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.

A number of years ago, when I was in university, I had someone to tell me 'know when to cut your losses and move on.' While this was send in context of a relationship, it can and does apply to everyday life.
It's hard to sometimes accept things as they are...unfulfilling, a dead end, not worth your time, etc. It's sometimes hard to work away from people, things, situations. But sometimes, you just need to look at a situation/person/thing for what it is...knowing there is nothing to read into, work out, change...it just is what it is.
Just cut your loss and move on.

This is really practical advice! I've needed to remember this a lot since I "grew up"