I have decided to participate in Blogtember.
It seems like something that would be pretty fun. I have no idea if
I'll be able to actually do this, but I'm going to give it a try!
Today's prompt:
Today's prompt:
A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!

I haven't done a life lately post in awhile...I've been too busy!!
Saturday of Labour Day Weekend, I saw David Myles in concert. I had been looking forward to it ALL summer. He didn't disappoint! I even got to meet him after the show. I haven't had a chance to blog about the show yet...but it's on my list of things to do! I will be seeing him in concert again tonight...I'm looking forward to it!
The next day, Sunday, my summer friend (who is now in London, England...boo) had a dinner party...something else I haven't have the chance to blog about. It was fantastic! We had our meal outside and dessert inside the antique store at one of the tables. Dinner was elegant, food was delicious and the company was entertaining.
I did manage to take the Tuesday after Labour Day off, giving myself an extra long weekend. I spent time relaxing, reading, at the beach and just enjoying the last little bit of summer. I even went into the lake, where there were a lot of waves- it was really fun.
I am a member of Beta Sigma Phi and we have started our year. We had Beginning Day in August and our first meeting and program earlier this month, with our first social tomorrow. I am now the City Council rep, so I went to that meeting earlier this month as well.
Of course, work is keeping me BUSY! I've had an event meeting, a meeting with a local university student group that is putting on a fundraising event for us, staff meeting, department meeting, committee meeting, a meeting with CTV and an event kicking off our annual fundraising campaign so far this month, plus the actual campaign prep. Work is keeping me busy!
I did have the opportunity to attend a young professionals networking event last week. It was fun and I met a lot of interesting people. I'm hoping to have the opportunity to connect with them in the near future. I met two friends there and we decided that we should break out and network. To make it fun, we thought we'd see who could collect the most business cards in 20 minutes. They each collected two and I collected 7 or 8 and I even had meaningful conversations with these people! Outside of the 20 minutes, I collected an additional 6 cards.
A co-worker and I had previously started a Social Committee at work, but no one came out to any of our events, except the one social where we went out for dinner. So, last week, we decided to disband the Social Committee and decided to create the Dinner Club, because everyone has to eat. We're hoping to have our first Dinner Club dinner this week.
This past weekend was Brock Homecoming!!! I had been looking forward to Homecoming for months and it was just as much fun as I thought it would be! There will be a future blog post with a full Homecoming report, but in the spirit of this prompt; The weekend started off on Friday with an alumni pub night. I went with a friend and ended up seeing a number of people I knew. I enjoyed it. Saturday was the day to be on campus. I attended the Alumni lunch and Cameo Club, people who graduated 25 years or more ago get inducted into the club, which was followed by a champagne reception, which I also attended. The weekend ended with an Alumni Wine Tour. We spent the day touring 3 wineries and of course tasting the wine! Again, future blog post about all of this. It was a REALLY fun weekend!!
So that's what I've been up to lately. In the near future aka the next week, I have a meeting with one of my boss' to talk about my new role and setting up some exciting projects, I have another meeting with CTV, and a Brock Alumni meeting. I have some fun coming up too... a grand opening of a retirement residence, a Mary Kay facial and a friend's birthday party.
And there you have my entire September...I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

I still can't believe how busy you are all the time! I really enjoy having alone time so I find this crazy!