Weekends need to be longer...and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that! Yesterday, it was rainy and cold (mid 60's). I still went down to the beach and ran along the shore. It warmed up a bit (high 60s), so I was able to sit on the patio, which was nice. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today...we'll see what happens.

1. What is your favorite fall activity?
Start of hockey!!! If it's warm enough, going to the beach to read. Brock Homecoming. Drinking salted caramel mocha/frap/macchiato/etc.
Start of hockey!!! If it's warm enough, going to the beach to read. Brock Homecoming. Drinking salted caramel mocha/frap/macchiato/etc.
2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?Never got into football...more into hockey (GO RANGERS)...but thanks to friends, I'm kept up to date on how Notre Dame's doing.
3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
Lots of trails to hike in Ontario, if you're into hiking, and look at foliage. Fall fairs are always pretty fun. Brock Homecoming is always a lot of fun. And, of course, fall festivals- ex TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival), Grape & Wine, Oktoberfest.
Lots of trails to hike in Ontario, if you're into hiking, and look at foliage. Fall fairs are always pretty fun. Brock Homecoming is always a lot of fun. And, of course, fall festivals- ex TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival), Grape & Wine, Oktoberfest.
4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
Cardigans! I live in cardigans...they keep you warm and go with basically everything. But to answer the question, staple outfit would be: great pair of jeans, basic top, cardigan, heeled shoes and a tote. The colour of the shirts and cardigan would change to create multiple outfits, but this is what I basically wear during the fall.
5. What things are his looking forward to most about this coming fall season?Cardigans! I live in cardigans...they keep you warm and go with basically everything. But to answer the question, staple outfit would be: great pair of jeans, basic top, cardigan, heeled shoes and a tote. The colour of the shirts and cardigan would change to create multiple outfits, but this is what I basically wear during the fall.
Enjoying as many salted caramel Starbucks beverages as I can, Brock Homecoming and the start of hockey season.
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?Of course, I love Thanksgiving. I love being with my family and friends. But I actually really love Remembrance Day. I love what the holiday stands for, the meaning behind. I love the tradition of our poppies and I wear mine proudly every year.

Mmm, cardigans. Yes. Definitely a staple for me too!