As everyone knows, today is Halloween. I was aware of this fact, but due to my busy schedule (see yesterday's post), Halloween just crept up on me!
I'm not one of those people who gets into Halloween- my brother and cousin LOVE Halloween. Me, not so much. I don't decorate, have scary movie marathons, etc. It's just not for me. However, I will be a good sport and handout candy and even dress up for Halloween.
Last year, my boss decided to have a Halloween party for staff- we ordered pizza and were going to carve pumpkins, except the person who was in charge of buying the pumpkins (and it wasn't me), didn't go to the store until the morning of Halloween. Store was sold out, so no pumpkin carving. Anyway, I convinced my office mates that we should dress up as 3 blind mice. They were on board with this and I was in charge of costumes.
This year, being so busy, I was not on the ball, so no group Halloween costume. I was scrambling yesterday between working late and an Alumni event to come up with a group or single costume. We work in a community building and everyone dresses up, so I'm going to be a good sport.
I went to Party City and found I was not the only one who was scrambling to find a costume. There were so many choices! And so many not work appropriate costumes.
After a lot of debate, and consulting with co-workers and friends, I settled on being a black cat.
Original? Not so much. But at least I have a costume and I'm being a "good sport" about Halloween.