I had a late night last night, with a 90th birthday followed by a high school homecoming. Tons of fun! I have another bust day ahead of me; my parents are hosting Thanksgiving tonight and then I'm going out with friends. Tomorrow is our big Thanksgiving meal at my aunt and uncles. I'm looking forward to seeing and spending time with my family.

1. What is the first blog you ever followed?
Airing My Dirty Laundry and Happy Brittany were both blogs I followed prior to having a blog. The first blog I followed once I started my Blog was The Southern Fried Bride.
Airing My Dirty Laundry and Happy Brittany were both blogs I followed prior to having a blog. The first blog I followed once I started my Blog was The Southern Fried Bride.
2. What was your first blog post about?
My first blog post was i&i where I posted an inspirational quote and an idea. This feature is still on my blog almost two years later- kind of. It has been amended to 'Inspire Me' and is just an inspirational quote.
3. Who left you your first blog comment?
The Queen Bee. I tried to find her blog...when I click on her name, it brings me to her google+ profile and her blog isn't listed =(
4. Who was the first blogger you ever met in person?
No one. Well...I meet my (former) co-worker, but I met her first and then she decided to blog. But besides her, no one.
5. What was your first "blogging milestone"?
I would have to go with my first follower! I'm not 100% sure who it was...But I know both Amber and The Southern Fried Bride were both early followers.

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