Boys Behind the Blog is a monthly linkup featuring your husband/fiance/boyfriend/best guy friend/dad/brother/grandpa! Stephanie & Mal created this link up to brag about their men and get them more involved in their blogs.
Here's how it works: They post the questions on the 1st Thursday of the month, you ask your man to answer 5 easy questions and then link up with on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Here's how it works: They post the questions on the 1st Thursday of the month, you ask your man to answer 5 easy questions and then link up with on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

getting to this rounds questions, let me tell you a little about the
boy. He's someone I've known since I was in University. I consider him one of my closest friends and someone I can tell anything too. Not only is he nice, caring and handsome, but he's also incredibly special to me and I'm thrilled that he agreed to participate in this!
5. Finish the sentence: I am thankful for...
1. Who is your favorite band/musician?
Gang Starr, Jay-Z
2. What was your first CD/tape?
Warren G - Regulate
3. Who was your first concert?
4. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Turkey with stuffing
A wonderful family

What a neat idea. Haha, I love it!