I have mentioned numerous times that this year was flying by...I find it hard to believe that we've reached the last day of 2013! The past few years have been less than ideal for me but 2013 was an amazing year for me!
Last year, when I was reflecting on 2012, I included this quote:
I wrote a GREAT one! I made new friends, tried new things, was offered my dream job with my dream organization, I had once in a life time experiences, had quiet moments that were special to me but would seem insignificant to others, I grew as a person, I challenged myself. I was happy.
I feel as if I really LIVED this past year.
I, for the first time in a long time, felt like myself again. Something that two of my closest friends even commented on, saying that they had been waiting for me to go back to my happy, smiling, laughing self. I did and felt/feels really good.
I wish I had my planner so that I could go back and recall everything I did this past year.
I had a great year professionally. I have a boss who empowers me to do my job and makes me feel like a valued member of the team. She recommended me for a provincial committee, green lighted me organizing and hosting a Southwest Regional meeting, and most importantly, took me off contract, made me a permanent employee and entrusted me with a regional position. I've made some valuable contracts in the community, was nominated for two chamber awards, exceeded a fundraising goal by almost $5,000. I took on two major Southwestern Ontario portfolios, one of them being CTV. A highlight of my professional year was definitely working with CTV...including consulting and being very involved with a commercial!
I had the opportunity, in January, to attend a local rally for a cause that I was passionate about and in March, I was invited to Queens Park in Toronto to hear my Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) speak on the issue.
I joined Beta Sigma Phi and found a group of friends that are supportive, fun and offers a variety of social activities; from potlucks to movie nights to touring a chocolate factory!
I've really enjoyed all of my Brock Alumni events; pub social, Sip & Skate, IceDogs game, learn to paddle, Dragon Boating, beer tour, wine tour, Homecoming Weekend, professional development events, bowling, trivia, Christmas party...
I was able to enjoy a vacation to Florida, I learned how to play pickleball and attended several plays (two at the local little theatre, Peter Pan at a larger theatre and The Wizard of Oz in Toronto). I also had the opportunity to attend the National finals for Chartwell's Senior Star competition. I also attended, and was recognized, at an United Way Volunteer Appreciation Night.
There were also birthday parties, nights spent with friends, meeting new people, hot chocolate dates, dinner, coffee, shopping, movies, hockey games, Sunday brunch...
Two highlights of my year were:
- Seeing (and meeting!) David Myles TWICE! It's well documented on this blog what a huge fan I am of his, so getting to see him perform live and meeting him afterwards was pretty amazing. When I saw him the second time, he remembered me from the first time we had met. He's super talented and seems like such a nice guy.
- Summering. This was the 4th or 5th summer I spent with Daniel. It was bittersweet...the best summer we spent together and likely the last. He's currently doing his Masters in England and working for an auction house...I think his days of managing an antique storefront in a tourist town over the summer are behind him. We went out for dinner, stayed in and cooked dinner, we prepped for a garden party, attended dinner parties, we had indoor picnics, we kept each other company, we explored the town...we enjoyed each others company, told each other everything, and lived in a television show. I REALLY miss him...but it was the best summer!
I look forward to filling the 365 page book...I hope it's just as good, if not better, than the last one.

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