Happy Monday!! I had another fantastic weekend full of family, friends and birthday celebrations. It was nice to spend time with the people who mean the most to me.
I started the weekend off by going to a concert with my sister, we saw David Myles and Royal Wood. Both were amazing. I had the chance to talk to David Myles during the intermission and he told me that he had checked out my blog...how awesome is that?!?!? I'm still on a high from hearing that!
Saturday I went out with childhood friends and Sunday, my parents hosted a dinner for me, where I got to pick the menu. The only thing I wanted was my grandmother's lasagna, which she was nice enough to make. It was delicious!
I have another busy week ahead of me, sadly not too many fun things planned...mostly work- I have a fundraiser next week, so the next two-ish weeks will be super busy.
Here is this weeks inspiration:
There has been a lot going on in both my personal and professional life over the past few months. I have really struggled...don't get me wrong, there has been a lot of good and a lot of happy, but there has also been a lot of negative and frustration- I know I'm not the only one. Some days are difficult to get out of bed, to go to work, to be social. Again, I know we all have days like this.
Our days are what we make of them, as is our life.
I am going to really focus on choosing joy this week; choosing to have good days, choosing to be happy and choosing not to let things/people get me down or frustrate me.
Hope everyone has a great week!

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