I can't believe we are half way through the month! Time is going so quickly and all I want to do is sleep! Anyway, I figured the half way point of a month would be a great time to update everyoneon what I hsd done the previous month. So, here is what I got up to in April...
I had 15 meetings...how do I end up with so many meetings in a month??? Most of them were work related, including a regional meeting I hosted! I host this meeting once a year and I look forward to it. It's a great opportunity to connect my colleagues across south central Ontario and find out what they are up too. It was a really fun meeting with a lot of laughter. I also said goodbye to my work other half. Sad to see her go but we sent her off with a nice pizza lunch.
I had a lot of non-meetings last month too. I started the month with a visit from my boss who is on mat leave. I can't express how amazing it was to see her! She has this great energy and I am so blessed to work for her. She reaffirmed to me, without knowing it, that I am in the right work situation, this is where I belong. Everything I have been struggling with the past 6 months, she made better. Things are going to be a ok :)
Once a month, I have a girls night with one of my closest friends in the city, which is always fun, and this month was followed by spending a Sundaty afternoon with my university roommate. I also meet up with a friend/coworker who is also on mat leave for coffee.
Outside of our regular meetings for Sorority, we also had an Easter egg hunt, celebrated Founder's Day and played Bingo- which was so much fun, even though I didn't win and my Sisters questioned whether or not I would be able to keep up with all of my cards- I only had 4, which was not a lot compared to the rest of them.
I had a couple of Brock Alumni meetings, which happened on the same day as Brock events. I attended the President's Forum, which was a cocktail reception. It was fun to hear the president speak and to meet local Brock Alumni. We also went to a local pub and played trivia! It was really hard but a lot of fun! Our score was 37.5 out of 100. It was the rirst time we had ever been and the guy running it had this thick Scottish accent, so by the time you figured outwhat he has asked, he was alreadyon the next question. But it was a lot of fun.
There was also a lot of family time. I went home for my great grandmothers garage sale, and laterinthe month for one last visit. I was up at our second home for a weekend with my dad and I went home for Easter. It' always nice to see and spend time with family.
Oh yeah, and I booked a trip to Cuba for May!!! I am REALLY looking forward to this trip.
April was busy but fun. Half way through May and it's shaping up to be just as eventful and fun.