This is actually my last, full day of vacation...tomorrow is a travel day and I will be arriving back in Canada early Sunday morning. This is a scheduled post- I'm writing it before I leave- but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm enjoying my time in Cuba and don't want it to come to an end.
The last vacation guide I'm doing is a reading list, my vacation reading list to be specific. Reading lists are, in my opinion, pretty personal. People like different genres, have different books on their 'to read' and 'have read' lists. Reading and vacation go hand in hand, lots of spare time to get lost in a book or two. I'm not sure if I'll make it through my entire list, but here are the books I'm attempting to read while in Cuba:
- Revenge Wears Prada- I've heard mixed reviews about this book. I liked The Devil Wears Prada and I like Lauren Weisberger as a writer, plus this has been on my reading list since it came out.
- Prep: A Novel- This is one of my all time favourite books and the only actual book I'm bringing with me (the rest are on my Kindle).
- Ten Girls To Watch- This is a re-read for me. I've only read the book once but I liked it and want to read it again.
- Trust Fund Babies- I've heard good things about this book and it's another book that's been on my reading list for ages.
- Commencement- I'm not sure where I heard about this book and I actually don't know, off the top of my head, anything about this book. It was added to my reading list in the past month or so it's a more recent addition to the list.
- The Swimmer's Assistant- Yet another re-read. I love this book and it's by one of my favourite bloggers, Amber. I haven't read it in a while and it's a perfect beach/pool/vacation read.
I am bringing my Kindle with me that has close to 350 books on it, most of them I have yet to read, so I will not be lacking reading material, that's for sure. The above mentioned books are the ones I am hoping to read while I am on vacation and if I get through them all, I'll have other books on my Kindle that I can read.
Today is my last full day in Cuba...we fly back to Canada late tomorrow night. All of the posts this week have been scheduled...I took a break from being 'connected' this Blackberry, email, text messages, social media, etc. I cut myself off, to give myself a break and a real opportunity to unwind and relax.
I'm sure that as much as I enjoyed Cuba, I'll be looking forward to coming home to my family, friends and of course, this blog.

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