Friday, 27 June 2014

Products I Regret Buying

Happy Friday!!! I have had such a busy work week; 6 meetings, 2 webinars and 1 event that I ran. I'm happy that the weekend is 4 day weekend! I took Monday off and Tuesday is Canada Day, so I'm off. My weekend will be spent at my families second home and the beach, with the exception of Sunday where I will be celebrating my great-grandmother's birthday! I haven't seen her in months, so I'm looking forward to seeing her and spending time with my cousins. 

Sleep is something that has eluded me the past few weeks and the fact that I spent a good chunk of late night last night watching Anna In Wonderland's youtube chanel probably didn't help my 'I can't fall asleep' situation. This girl is flippin adorable and hilarious and my youtube crush. 

Don't believe me? Check out this video:

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Book Club: Trust Fund Babies

Trust Fund Babies

Book: Trust Fund Babies
Author:Jean Stone
Amazon Summary: 
Jean Stone, the bestselling author of Off Season, weaves the extraordinary story of three cousins bound forever by the family fortune they share–and the family secrets they don’t dare reveal....

Mary Beth, Nikki, and Gabrielle have little in common except the vast Atkinson fortune they inherited. Growing up amidst the splendor of Manhattan town houses and summers on Martha’s Vineyard, they’ve all learned the hard way that money can buy everything–except happiness. Marked by a summer tragedy they’ve all tried to forget, each woman has struggled to find her own way to cope with the secrets of her past.

Now Mary Beth is a pillar of the New York social scene, buying designer clothing and priceless jewels that even she cannot afford. Nikki searches for peace on the Vineyard, pouring her inheritance into endless charity work. And Gabrielle hoards her money in a Swiss bank account, safe from the husband who knows nothing of her wealth. But when their trusted executor disappears with their money, the cousins come together once again to find him. For each woman, regaining her fortune has a different meaning–and will come at a different price. And in the end they’ll learn that no one’s secrets can stay hidden forever–not even the truth of what really happened that terrible day so many summers ago....

What I have to say: 
This is a book that had been on my reading list for ages and I specifically had it on my reading list for when I was in Cuba.

 I LOVED this book! This was such a fascinating, engaging read...I couldn't put the book down and I read it one day. I found myself lost in the story, not even realizing that hours had passed. 

The story focuses on three cousins, their childhood together and their separate lives as adults, until they are brought together for the sole purpose of tracking down their executor. While the character identities where somewhat stereotypical and predictable- the entitled one who is all about her wealth, the charitable one that lives below her means so she can give away her fortune and the one that puts distance between her and her wealth so she can create her own identity- that did not take away from the story or make the story predictable.

Enough plot twists to keep it interesting and an ending I did not see coming...this is a new favourite book that I can't wait to re-read and recommend. I loved this book so much, I'm actually thinking about getting a paperback copy so that I can share it with friends.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Cuba In Photos- Part Deux

Life is STILL crazy busy; add in internet issues (thanks Rogers) and a week and a half (and counting) cold, and you will understand why my blogging-including a proper Cuba recap- has been lackluster recently. 

I though it was time I did a second photo dump from my trip:

Beach volleyball

Ocean...can you believe how clear the water is???

The big hut is where the entertainment crew hung out. There were tons of huts/umbrellas and lounge chairs on the beach.

This was the 'relaxing pool'. Music was played from the bar, but there were no kids, games, etc. It was really quiet, few people and right beside our bungalow. And the bartender was awesome.

Patio that we had drink on. The building behind it was an Italian a la carte and the building on the right was the buffet.

Path to the 'relaxing pool'. The building at the end of the path was the pool bar.

Ocean from the causeway leading to the mainland.

Apartments where the resort workers lived.

Houses on the mainland.

Downtown in one of the cities.

More of downtown.

I promise that a recap of the trip is coming soon. More Cuba pictures can be found here and the BEST night of our trip can be found here.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Hey, It's Ok

Airing My Dirty Laundry

To be looking forward to this weekend! Tuesday is Canada Day, so I took Monday off, making it a 4 day weekend.

That I am exhausted. I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping the past few weeks.

To feel like a lackluster friend recently. Between the craziness of work, my dad's campaign and being sick, I haven't spent any time with friends. 

That I'm lucky to have great co-workers, who give up their Monday night to help me with an event.
To not be at all interested in the World Cup. I haven't watched a single game and I likely won't. But I have a great friend who tells me everything I need to know about the World Cup, so I'm good. 

That I hope you've entered the $1,000 giveaway. If you haven't, you can enter here.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Inspire Me- Life & Age

I have been MIA around her the past little while- between campaigns, no internet and being sick for a week and a half...seriously, who gets sick in June??? has been pretty busy. I spent all weekend sleeping and trying to get over this cold...I'm not 100% better, but I am feeling A LOT better. 

While the weekend was underwhelming, this week will be busy; an event tonight, Brock Alumni Associations AGM, my cousin's graduation, a week full of meetings and a summer student who is starting today! I'm not entirely sure if I'll get to spend any time with her today, but at least she's starting today.

Some inspiration:

I love this quote!! How many times do we let our age influence what we do? And how many times does that influence result in us missing out on some fun?

We need to revert back to those childhood days of playing in the park, blowing bubbles and having water balloon flights. There's nothing wrong with reliving those teenage years of wondering around town looking for something to do and ending up in a hole in the wall kind of place singing karaoke. I frequently go back to my 20's where the nights were full of music and dancing, stumbling home as the sun came up. 

Yes, we need to be adults and we have responsibilities, but that doesn't mean we can't be carefree and create amazing memories.

There is no such thing as being too old for something. 

Live life, regardless of your age.

There's still time to enter the $1,000 giveaway here.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Hey, It's Ok!

Airing My Dirty Laundry
To be proud of the New York Rangers. Even though they didn't win the Stanley Cup, they made it to the Finals and 3 of the 5 games went into overtime. They played well and had a great season.
That I don't like being sick in June. It's June! Why am I sick??? I've had this cold since last Wednesday. I need to get over it.
To have finally made it to the beach! Working on my dad's campaign has kept me from the beach the past month an a half. Now that the campaign is over, I can go back to my weekend beach stays.
That I had fun working on my dad's campaign. It was his 7th or 8th campaign, so it's just a way of life for me, but it was still fun.
To be proud of my dad and all of his hard work. He has dedicated his life to public service and continues to constantly work in the best interest of the citizens that he represents.
That I am very unhappy with Rogers right now. This is the second time in 3 weeks that my internet has been down for days at a time. They are supposed to be sending a tech today...hopefully my internet will get fixed today *fingers crossed*

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The Canadian & The Cuban Guava

I had a great time in Cuba. It was a really low key trip (full recap coming soon) but I forgot what kind of traveler my friend is. She likes to go to bed early, like 9pm, and compared to me she is a bit anti-social...compared to me, most people come across as anti-social. My boss once said she could put me in a room by myself and I would turn it into a networking event, leaving with three new contacts. 

Anyway...I decided that our last night was going to be a good one and we were going to do it my going back to our room by 9pm, we were going to have fun. I needed one night out being me and doing things my way- being super social and having a lot of fun. Plus, I needed something to blog about, up until this point the only 'story' I had for the blog were Canadians looking for hockey scores, and days spent by the pool/on the beach reading.

So, I did the good friend thing and told other people that we were going to the sports bar that night to celebrate Friends birthday, putting my Friend on the spot and not giving her a say in the matter. Sneaky, of course, but I knew it was the only way and that she would have fun. Friend complained all day about it and unwillingly followed me to the bar that night- after she took a nap from 8:30pm-10pm.

When we got there, three girls we became friendly with- K, S and T- were already there. We started the night off with birthday shots, which Friend originally said she wasn't going to do. But I peer pressured her and told her she had to do one shot and then I didn't care what she did the rest of the night- which ended up being her requesting more rounds of shots.

Birthday shots!! No idea what they were, but they were really good!!

Some time had passed and I decided that I could go for some French fries (we did an a la carte that night and the menu didn't really appeal to me)...the sports bar was enclosed and just outside of it was a 24 hour snack bar, where they could get you almost anything you wanted. Outside I went and there was a strapping young man waiting for a hamburger- he ordered 1 and somehow ended up with 3. We got into conversation and turns out that he was from Niagara. I pulled out my peer pressure skills and convinced him to come have a drink with us- citing that we were from the same place and it was my friends birthday, so how could he not? It was not a hard sell. 

The hours passed by with drinks, more shots (as suggested by my once reluctant friend), food and laughter. T told us that we should eat cucumbers and plate of sliced cucumbers appeared from the snack bar. Cucumbers, apparently, are supposed to prevent hangovers- they contain water to keep you hydrated, electrodes and vitamins. Life was great, I was having a blast. 
We eventually finished the bottle of rum.
You know in Mexico how they have the worm in the tequila? Well, in Cuba they put guava in the bottle of rum...I can't remember if it's a piece of fruit or the pit or a seed or what...all I know is that someone had to have the guava (just like someone has to have the tequila worm). T, S, K and Friend all declined it. Niagara was asked to have it before I was asked (thank goodness).
Niagara did not disappoint. He took the cup with the guava in it and asked a couple of questions- what is it and will I die- before throwing that thing back like a champ. He became the hero of the trip. Everyone in the bar cheering for him. 
And to think, Niagara only wanted a hamburger and then I convinced/asked him to have one drink with us. He ended up staying for 3ish hours. Thanks goodness he did, because he made the night...he was a really great sport about everything...and became a hero to everyone in the bar.
Before Niagara left the bar, we split the last cucumber slice. I suggested that we wishbone it- making a wish as we broke it- but that was easier said then done.
We were eventually joined by Guelph, North York and Toronto. It was so, so, so much fun hanging out with everyone and I was sad to see the night come to an end.

This was hands down the highlight of my trip. Thanks to Friend for agreeing to go out and to everyone else in the bar who joined us. 

Oh and the cucumber theory? The next day all of the girls were fine. We ended up seeing Niagara just before we left and he told us that he had a hangover that morning...but he was the only one who had the guava, so that's probably why.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Cuba In Photos- Part 1

As mentioned several times, I had the opportunity to go to Cuba at the end of May. I have been crazy busy with work, life and my dad's campaign so I haven't had a chance to do a recap of the trip. I thought I'd just be lazy and do a photo dump, which is better than nothing, right?

So here we go...


Characters from Shrek were just randomly walking around.

The guy who would bring us cushions for the pool chairs would also give us a flower every day.

View from our balcony.

So much fresh fruit...I was in heaven!

Market that was on the resort.

Another view from our balcony. From right to left- Cuban flag, Canadian flag, two resort flags, German flag.

Everything at the resort was walking distance, but there were golf carts to drive you around if you didn't want to walk.

Drink of choice for the week: strawberry daiquiri with banana liqur 

Lobby bar

Playing games on the beach. The guy between the two girls is the one who told me that the New York Rangers made the Stanley Cup Finals!!


Starfish that a lifeguard gave me.

Birthday shots in the sports bar!!

If you didn't want to ride in a golf cart, they also had this train.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Hey, It's Ok!

Airing My Dirty Laundry
To not be happy with the Rangers right now...they are killing me. But at least they made it to the Stanley Cup Finals.
That I'm on the hunt for new or gently used purses for a fundraiser that I'm doing. If you or someone you know is looking to get rid of purses, please let me know. This includes any bloggers that are doing a 'shop my closet' event.
To be excited that Big Brother is starting in a couple of weeks!! I love that show.
That I've enjoyed working on my dad's campaign, but will be happy when the election is over...I need a nap.
To be unimpressed that I broke my toe. My hands were full and I kicked my car door shut, something I do all the time, I heard a snap and prayed I had only broke my such luck.
That everyone should enter this giveaway for $1,000. 

Monday, 9 June 2014

Raising Reagan's $1,000 Cash Giveaway

Celebrating milestones is always fun! Blogging milestones are no different and I am so excited to be celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO YEAR blog anniversary with Lanaya this week on June 12th! Two years ago she published her first blog post and began the online chronicle of Raising Reagan. 
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary 

To thank everyone for their support over the past two years, her blog friends came together to celebrate and make some very luck person $1000 richer this Summer! It's a celebration and YOU could be the recipient of the GRAND PRIZE! $1000 CASH! Who's excited? Please be sure and thank the amazing women that put together this phenomenal cash prize for you to win! Now, what are you waiting for? Go enter and then cross your fingers, toes and anything else you can think of to win $1000! Just in case you didn't get it the first couple of times ... it's $1000 people! Now GO ENTER

Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary 

Meet your amazing co-hosts of this EPIC giveaway! From top right and clockwise:

These fantastic bloggers are truly wonderful and there is an amazing assortment of blog types represented. From personal to family blogs, fashion to having fun in the kitchen, there is a blogger for everyone to love! Now .. please meet the other special bloggers that sponsored this $1000 {Lanaya's hammering home the $1000 cash again right?} giveaway! In their own rights they are masters at their craft. Whether it's showing the new go to outfit, sharing the triumphs and failures of parenting, baking you a delectable feast or showing off ways to improve self or home, meet more of my favorite bloggers to love!

Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Camille - Friday We're In Love | Ashley & Meegan - Flats to Flip Flops | Rebecca - Living Better Together | Jenn - Deliciously Sprinkled | Rachel - Sultry Indulgences
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary
Raising Reagan | $1000 CASH Giveaway Celebrating Raising Reagan's TWO Year Blogiversary

Now ... get entering and GOOD LUCK!
Please review the official rules and conditions of all contests at Raising Reagan.

Please review the official rules and conditions of all contests at Raising Reagan.
Giveaway is open worldwide to participants 18 years of age or older with a verified PayPal account. By entering this giveaway you consent to be contacted for further information for verification of entries. Entries WILL be verified. Winner has 48 hours to respond to email requests for verification of entries. $1000 cash prize will be given in US Dollars. Any taxes, currency exchange or fees associated with the winnings will be the sole responsibility of the winner. Participants and sponsors of Raising Reagan and this giveaway are not liable for delivering cash prize. Any questions or concerns regarding this giveaway should be forward to contact{at}raising-reagan{dot}com BEFORE entering the giveaway. Void where prohibited by Law.