Ugh...I can't believe Monday is here once again...and that we are heading into the second week of July...where has the time gone?! I had really low key weekend, spending it at my family's weekend home. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that had a busy weekend; craft show, farmer's market, the beach and a book sale- where I got 9 books for $11!
But alas, my weekend adventures are now over and I am heading into a VERY busy work week. I have 3 meetings this week to prepare for a meeting next week (yes, you read that correctly), a staff meeting, board/staff social and I'm interviewing 5 people for a summer student position. I might be getting a little stressed just thinking about it all!!
So, here is a little inspiration for the week:
This is such a simple thing...we always have a choice. How many times do we say 'I didn't have a choice'? I know that I say it all. the. time. But I also know it's not true. Instead of interviewing 5 people, I could interview 2...but I want to make sure I hire the best person for the job and didn't feel confident in narrowing down my choices based only on how they are portrayed on paper. I made the choice to load my day with interviews. I made the choice to RSVP yes to the board/staff social. I made the choice...
Even when you make a choice, you still have choices. You can change your mind. Life is about choices and decisions. You have the ability to change your mind, to make another choice.
Choices have consequences, remember that, but there's no such thing as a bad choice if it's in your best interest.

hope you have a great week dispite the busy week it will be
ReplyDeleteI am so bad about using that phrase too! Everything IS a choice. We have a choice even when we claim we don't. That's the beauty of life. We always have a choice.