I can't believe that we are in mid-July! This summer is going quickly and I feel like I haven't done anything! This could also be because last summer was so packed full of fun activities. And because last summer our office closed at noon on Fridays, making the weekend seem longer. I honestly feel like I've wasted my summer and haven't done much to fully enjoy it.
Plus my summer was 'delayed' by 6 weeks to work on my dad's campaign. My dad didn't ask that I give up my weekends at the beach to help with his campaign, this was something I voluntarily did and I was happy to do so. Working on campaign's, especially my dad's, are fun to me. A LOT of work, but fun.
This weekend was a fun one for me...it started with dinner at our family cottage, with my parents and cousins on Friday night. The cottage is owned by my great-uncle, with his kids primarily using it. My parents have their own place about 10 minutes away, so no real reason to be at the cottage. I love the cottage...5 generations of our family has and currently spends time there. You can check my instagram for some pictures from the weekend.
I have another busy week full of meetings and a summer student starting, before I can get to my next beach weekend. Here is some inspiration to help me get through the week:
A lot of people, myself included, suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out). This results in packed schedules, running from one event to the next, and not being able to really enjoy life and the experiences we find ourselves in.
I do so much during the week, that when the weekend comes, I kind of crash and don't do anything. Even if I have a list of things I want to do; Beer tent, Summerfest, Farmer's Market, Flea Market, visit a neighbouring town, laundry, organize my room, get caught up on blog stuff- all things I wanted to do this weekend and, with the exception of laundry, didn't.
What did I do this weekend? I alternated between napping and reading, with movie watching at night. I wasted my time. But, as this quote points out, if you enjoyed it, it wasn't wasted time.
Some people might think I did waste my weekend...and I did too, until I remember this quote. I was relaxed and happy. I got caught up on my sleep and worked on my summer reading list. I didn't use my time as I had originally planned, but I still did something with my time and I enjoyed it.
Maybe next weekend, I'll be more productive.

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