I can't believe that this is the last week of August!! This summer has flown by and I, sadly, feel like I wasted it, like I didn't do anything. I was actually reflecting on my summer yesterday afternoon, while lying in a hammock.
I haven't done anything this summer. No weekends away (besides the vacation house), no day trips, no concerts, no theatre or art galleries. No wild adventures with friends, no all nighters, no picnics or trying new things.
I did a brewery tour with Brock Alumni, which was fun, and I spent a ton of time with a handful of the same friends going to the same places. I went to the beach, swam in the pool at night and worked my way through a reading list. I went to the farmers market, the flea market, the Celtic Festival, the Arts & Crafts show and a massive book sale. I had dinner at the cottage and spent time with family.
I had a decent summer. But I got a late start to the summer because of working on a provincial election, which made the summer seem shorter. My summer friend, the one that I spend the most time with, was out on his own adventure and I missed him terribly; I knew last summer would be the last summer we spent together, and we had a great one. The weather was horrible! Cold, cold, cold and rain, rain, rain.
I spent the majority of my summer working too much. I had a lot on my plate and was left to fend for myself. I was VERY unhappy.
I want to focus on being happy, go back to being myself.
And thus, this weeks inspiration:
Happiness is simple things, like a cup of a coffee and a good book, or a cup of tea and netflixs, or a glass of wine and a Big Mac. Go back to simple. Reboot. Find the small things in life that bring you happiness and spend a couple of hours with them.
It doesn't take much to make you happy, so do it. We all have that one thing that brings us instant happiness- a favourite book to get lost in, a favourite friend to connect with, a favourite song to sing and dance a long too, a favourite place to visit, a favourite sweatshirt to be wrapped up in.
Go back to simple. Go back to happy.

I love this! It's so true, happiness can be the simplest of things. For me, it's a few minutes of alone time so I can write in my journal, or listen to music, or read. :)