Happy Monday!! I had a fantastic weekend; Friday I celebrated a close friend's birthday, Saturday I went to the market with my dad and got to participate in Christmas at the market-made an ornament, had hot chocolate, saw Santa- before heading over to a friend's farm- they just opened a store on the farm. Sunday was spent with family as we celebrated my grandmother's birthday.
We are in the home stretch- Christmas is this week, World Junior's start this week and there are only two weeks left of 2014. Today is my first official day of two weeks off!! I've been counting down the days to this much deserved and much earned time off. I'm really only taking 2.5 days off, as our office closes at noon on Christmas eve and doesn't re-open until January 5. I'm looking forward to the time off.
2014 has been a rough year and I'm looking forward to leaving all of the bad experiences and negativity in 2014. I'm looking forward to 2015 and all of the good it will bring. In the meantime, I'm focused on making the last weeks of 2014 great and really enjoying myself.
Some inspiration for this week:
This quote is a play on 'what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'. The idea being, you can be as wild and crazy and out of character as you want, it won't be held against you. You can let loose and have fun. Enjoy life. I full intend to laugh and enjoy the holidays. I'm going to have fun. I'm going to make the most of my time with family and friends and truly appreciate the memories we'll make over the holidays.
I'm going to have the mind frame that whatever happens over these next two weeks, 'will stay under the mistletoe' and not count in the real world. It's been a long time since I've been carefree and I'm looking forward to going back to my 'old ways' and loving life.

I wish I was there and we could hang out, have lunch at my new fav restaurant, laugh lots, watch christmas movies etc etc... missing you today friend