Happy New Year!!! I hope that everyone had a GREAT Christmas and New Year's Eve. I was off from work for two week- bliss!!- it was just want my soul needed. I spent a the first week in my hometown and the second week in my second home. In both places, my days were filled with friends and family. And, of course, cheering on Team Canada at the World Juniors (WJC)!!
I am ready to break up with 2014 and move on to 2015. I'm looking forward to this year and am hoping for a great year. There will be a lot of changes, but I'm looking forward to it.
I don't make New Year's resolutions, instead I pick a quote, phrase or saying to reflect on and try and live throughout the year. A lot of bloggers are posting their word of the year and a number of days ago, my friend Jenn asked friends to share with her their word for 2015.
I decided to pick 'happy' as my word for this year. I'm generally a very happy person. I feel happy and people comment on how happy I am. In 2014, I was lacking happiness...I didn't feel happy, I didn't act happy, I didn't think happy. I'm changing that for 2015.
In 2015, I'm going to go back to being happy. I'm going to make up each morning, smile and tell myself 'today is going to be a happy day' and each night, I'm going to reflect back on all of the happy things that happened that day. Kind of like the '100 days of happy challenge' except all year. It's the simple things in life.
I'm looking forward to my upcoming, happy year.

This is your year my friend. Love you