Two things that most people know about me are that I work in non-profit fundriasing and that my dad is a politician. So, it would only make sense that my dad would appoint me to the committee for his Charity Gala.
Earlier this week, we had our first meeting and I'm pretty excited about being on this committee. The committee is made up of two staff members, two friends of my father (who are brothers and I have known my entire life), two people who were on the committee last year (one of them representing the Charity that will be getting some of the proceeds raised), and a friend of mine, S.
S and I actually met through work; we had the exact same job, at different organizations, and met at a conference. Our paths would cross on occasion and she was always just a phone call away to answer any questions I had. I'm really excited to be officially working with her, even if we are both volunteers.
We had a great first meeting, but it was very basic. The event will be taking place in the Fall, which might seem far away, but in event planning time, it's just around the corner! We reviewed the sponsorship package, S and I not only made several suggestions- we couldn't help it, this is what we do- but we also volunteered to look after sponsorship for the event.
Discussions on entertainment options and potentially doing a silent auction took place. We also decided on our theme: cars! Our event will revolve around cars, but what exactly our theme will be- race cars, 50's era (think Grease), car show- will be revealed at a later date.
It's just the early planning stages, but this will turn out to be a great event! I'm excited to work with this committee, give back to my community and share the details of the planning of this event!

I wanna be your date ;)