After I graduated from University, I was gifted (at my request) a Sunday subscription to a Toronto newspaper, which I read every week while drinking coffee...I felt it was a very grown up thing to do and something I should be doing, so I did. While I no longer have a newspaper subscription, I still feel that a great Sunday includes coffee and reading.
With this concept, I decided each week- on Sunday- to share some of my favourite reads from the past week. So grab a cup of coffee (or your morning beverage of choice) and enjoy these reads.
My 'must read' every week is always Molly Ford, of Smart Pretty & Awkward, latest post.
While I am against the word 'Selfie', I did enjoy Elle Canada's The Top 5 Reasons To Take A Selfie.
If you love the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, you have to check out Town & Country's Live Like Holly Golightly In The Breakfast At Tiffany's Townhome.
And finally, since my word for 2015 is happy, The Best Quotes on Happiness, also from T&C.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!

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