Almost a year and a half ago, I hosted a 'Bedtime Stories' Baby Shower
for a dear friend of mine. Even though the actual baby shower was so long ago, I still want to
share details of the event with everyone. This is a timeless, gender
neutral and fun theme.
Today I wanted to share the decorations!! We had the usual balloons and streamers but I also wanted decorations that were unique to the theme- bedtime stories- and would not take a ton of time to set up; we would be setting up while the guest of honour was out picking up lunch, so about 15 minutes.
I used inspiration from here and here, deciding to turn the gift and refreshment tables into 'beds'. A quick trip the the dollar store and I had everything I needed! In total, I spent less than $20 on decor.
All beds need pillows, which I made (first picture). I bought plastic tablecloths, taped three sides, stuffed it with tissue paper and then taped the fourth side. These were so easy to make and because they weren't real pillows, it didn't matter if they got ruined.
The other items that I bought to make the 'beds' (picture 2) were more plastic tablecloths and books. I bought a white tablecloth to cover the table and then coloured/patterned ones to make the 'bedding'. Again, because these were from the dollar store, it didn't matter if they got ruined. I also picked up a couple of books (from the dollar store) that I incorporated into the decor, plus the mom-to-be was able to keep these books after the shower for baby to enjoy later.
The third picture (gift table) shows the completed 'bed'. You can see the pink tablecloth was placed over the table and folded down to look like bedding, the pillow was placed at the head of the 'bed' and we included a bear (left over from a work event and later sent home with mom-to-be) 'tucked in' and reading a book.
The decoration, although simple, really tied the theme together and added that 'something extra' to our event space- which was our meeting room at work, so not an exciting space to begin with. The decor was cost effective, easy to assemble and super cute!
Looking for more on this baby shower?
Theme & Invitation

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