Back in January, I mentioned that my dad appointed me to his Charity Gala. You can read about our first meeting here. We had a meeting in February, which was really just a touch base meeting. S and I broke up the sponsorship list for us to do follow up.
We had a meeting last week, which I unfortunately had to leave due to another appointment. But it was a productive meeting.
Sponsorship money and auction items are coming in! We have a title sponsor, confirmed an auction company to run our silent auction for us (this will be the fifth event I have done with this company) and have confirmed entertainment for the dinner portion of our event- a murder mystery! Things are really coming together and it's shaping up to be a great event.
At this meeting, we also confirmed our theme...Drive In Movie! I had mentioned before that we had picked cars as a theme. After some discussion, we decided that cars were an element to a theme opposed to a theme on it's own. We have some really neat ideas on how to incorporate this theme into our entertainment and decor.
Hopefully next month I'll be able to reveal a little bit more about our's going to be pretty fun!

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