I always felt reading the Sunday newspaper and drinking coffee was a very
grown up thing to do and something I should be doing, so I did.
While I no longer have a newspaper subscription, I still feel that a
great Sunday includes coffee and reading.
With this concept, I decided each
week- on Sunday- to share some of my favourite reads from the past week.
So grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice) and enjoy
these reads.
The biggest social media debate and controversy this week was whether or not a dress was white and gold (which I thought it was, based on the first photo I saw) or black and blue. This article explains what started everything and has pictures of the original dress, including from the store and settles once and for all the actual colour.
Sticking with the dress, The Science Of Why No One Agrees On The Color Of This Dress is an interesting read as to why people are seeing different things.
If you are wearing a great dress, you should be wearing a great lipstick; 21 Genius Lipstick Hacks Every Woman Needs To Know.
A show that I am currently obsessed with, and sad that the season finale aired this week, is How To Get Away With Murder. If you haven't watched this show, you should. The finale was mind blowing and I just have to share this Q&A, 'How To Get Away With Murder' Boss On That Killer Finale And What's Next.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!
The biggest social media debate and controversy this week was whether or not a dress was white and gold (which I thought it was, based on the first photo I saw) or black and blue. This article explains what started everything and has pictures of the original dress, including from the store and settles once and for all the actual colour.
Sticking with the dress, The Science Of Why No One Agrees On The Color Of This Dress is an interesting read as to why people are seeing different things.
If you are wearing a great dress, you should be wearing a great lipstick; 21 Genius Lipstick Hacks Every Woman Needs To Know.
A show that I am currently obsessed with, and sad that the season finale aired this week, is How To Get Away With Murder. If you haven't watched this show, you should. The finale was mind blowing and I just have to share this Q&A, 'How To Get Away With Murder' Boss On That Killer Finale And What's Next.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!

I haven't seen Hiw ToGet Away With Murder yet. I do plan on binge watching it in the next coming weekend or so though. I saw the debate about the dress of course I saw one color and my brother saw another, hah. Happy Sunday.