That Johnny Mac is my favourite Big Brother houseguest this season. He's hilarious and I hope he wins!
To have had a blast at the Pan Am events that I was able to attend last week! I will be doing full recaps of the events I went to later this week and next.
That I hope I get to go to the Pan Am Closing Ceremony...I'm working on it! It would be cool to go, but if I can't go, it's not the end of the world.
To have FINALLY read The Girl Who Was Saturday Night. It's been on my reading list forever and I bought the book back in February. Highly recommended and full review coming soon.
That I had a blast this past weekend...I got to spend it with my brother, his girlfriend, and my university roommate...this weekend was the epitome of summer.
To miss Daniel. Summer isn't the same without him.
To have had a blast at the Pan Am events that I was able to attend last week! I will be doing full recaps of the events I went to later this week and next.
That I hope I get to go to the Pan Am Closing Ceremony...I'm working on it! It would be cool to go, but if I can't go, it's not the end of the world.
To have FINALLY read The Girl Who Was Saturday Night. It's been on my reading list forever and I bought the book back in February. Highly recommended and full review coming soon.
That I had a blast this past weekend...I got to spend it with my brother, his girlfriend, and my university roommate...this weekend was the epitome of summer.
To miss Daniel. Summer isn't the same without him.

Johnny Mac is pretty funny. A tad creepy, but mostly funny.