To be incredible proud of myself for the event I organized on December 3. The event not only marked the 50th anniversary of my the organization I work for, and the event went according to plan, but it was broadcast (which I oversaw, planned, and organized) all over Ontario, as well as Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and Guatemala City, Guatemala. By far the biggest and most important event I have ever worked on.
That I finished my Christmas shopping on the weekend. I have all my gifts purchased, I just need to wrap them. It feels so good to know I don't have to deal with the crowds.
To be so blessed to work for a fantastic organization. The work we do is amazing, the corporate culture is the best I have ever experienced, my colleagues are out of this world, and my supervisor is so supportive, encouraging and a fantastic mentor- and insanely nice to me.
That I will be doing a Paint Nite with some friends from work in January!! Paint Nite is where you go to a bar, and there is an artist that teaches the group how to paint a specific picture. I'm really looking forward to it!! It should be a ton of fun and a great girls night and I can't wait!!
To have had fantastic weekend!!! My boss encouraged me to leave early on Friday, which I did. I got to spend a ton of time with my sister on Saturday, something I haven't been able to do in months. Also on Saturday, I celebrated a friends birthday- she does these pot luck & Cards Against Humanity parties, which are always a blasted...so much laughter!! Plus I got to see a bunch of friends that I haven't seen in months. Sunday was some family time and than back to my apartment to hang out.

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