To be excited for the Pod Pal reunion tomorrow night!! We are ordering in dinner and playing Cards Against Humanity. So excited to have some fun with these ladies and to be reunited with our summer student!!
That I'm kinda sad that Christmas is this week. I love the holidays and everything leading up to Christmas. I'm sad to see it coming to an end. I am excited to have some time off and to spend time with family and friends as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and as we celebrate the start of a new year.
To be excited for an upcoming trip to Saskatchewan!! I have never been before, and last week a won a trip from my work. I'm excited to be going with a couple of people from our office and even more excited to see our colleagues in Saskatchewan!!
That I have NO idea where my David Myles Christmas CD is. I have the case/sleeve for the CD, but the CD wasn't in it...and I don't know where it is. I love that CD and I only have a couple of days left to listen to it and have it be appropriate music.
To be so incredibly blessed to work for the organization that I do. I have the most supportive supervisor and the office culture is just so positive and inspiring. I count my blessings everyday and am beyond thankful that my journey has led me to this fantastic organization.
That I think it's hilarious that a friend of mine is getting two front teeth for Christmas.(He's a hockey player and he lost his teeth years ago, he had fake teeth and is just getting them replaced.)

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