Happy Monday! I had a quiet, relaxing and productive weekend! I finished the majority of my Christmas shopping, did some decluttering and pre-moving prep, and made a dent in my reading and Netflix watching lists. It was nice to have some down time.
Within a month, I have been the lead on three multi-day conferences. Two are done, one more to go. On top of that, I'm moving in less than three week (eek!!), the company that own my apartment has been a nightmare to deal with- issue after issue after issue- and I've also had a couple of things going on in my personal life that have been...not the most positive experience. Saying things have been busy and hectic is an understatement.
With everything that has been going on it's so important to remember to take some time to relax, unwind, and have fun!! It's the midst of everything that is going on, I am so lucky to have family, friends, and co-workers who not only make sure I take sometime away from all the 'serious' stuff, but who will, metaphorically, drink champagne and dance on the table with me.

Hope everything turns out fine! Lovely blog xx