To be so sad and scared for America. It seems that a lot of reckless decisions are being made and that America is not only going back decades, but positioning itself for a lot of hostility and becoming a country that is no longer safe. Becoming a country that is divided and freedom is limited.
That I am proud of the way my Canadian government has reacted to the Muslim ban. Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, tweeted:
To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada
To be looking forward to Canada turning 150 this year. There are a number of things being done to celebrate from small town celebrations to Northwest Territories giving away flights for people to go visit. One of the my favourite celebrations is 150 Pointes initiated by The National Ballet of Canada, where they are sending 150 pointe shoes across Canada to be photographed at various landmarks. You can learn more and see photos here or by searching #150Pointes
That I got tickets to a Harry Potter fan festival. Prior to the organizers making arrangements to release an additional 2000 tickets yesterday, 6000 tickets were sold and Harry Potter fans were having a meltdown if they didn't have tickets. I also realized and was disgusted by how entitled some people feel. For the record- I have never read a Harry Potter book or seen a Harry Potter film.
To love the Average Andy segment on Ellen. The most recent installment, where Andy plays hockey with the LA Kings, is probably my favourite.