That I was selected to participate in #150Pointes!! This is a project initiated by the National Ballet of Canada to celebrate their 65th anniversary and Canada's 150th anniversary. I am so incredible excited and honoured to have been selected to be one of 150 people/groups/organizations selected for this!!
To not have watched the Super Bowl. I really am not interested. Not. One. Bit. I don't care about the game, the half time show, or the commercials- most don't even air in Canada due to broadcast regulations.
That I am looking forward to my birthday next week. I have some things planned for the day. It will be low key, but I will be celebrating and doing things that I want to do.
To finally be unpacked and organized from my move. It took me two months, but I did it. Everything is out of boxes/bags. Now I can focus on decorating and buying items that I need to make my place 'mine' and a 'home'.
That I am done with winter. I am done with the snow, cold, and sun-less days.

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