For a while now- I'm talking a couple of years- I have wanted to 1. see a comedy show and 2. see a childhood/teenage years friend perform. This past weekend, I got to do both! Said friend was in an improve show. It was great to see her and to see her perform. The show was hilarious- I was in tears! On top of that, I had the opportunity to see the show with three friends that I haven't seen in over six months.
On the way home, we were talking about downsizing and living minimally, which turned into a conversation about how we would rather have experiences instead of things. It was all very "millennial" but so true; we would rather be out living life instead of sitting at home in giant houses looking at stuff.
All three of my friends, on separate occasions, told me that we should hang out more. I know that's on me. I'm the one who lives out of town and I don't really tell people when I will be in town. I am going to make more of an effort.
On top of that, I'm going to be more proactive in creating moments to fall in love with. I want to experience life. I want to have memories (and pictures) to look back on, so I can relive those moments.

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