A couple of years ago, I shared a post about this chair that I got from my great-grandmother's house. When I was looking for my condo and getting ready to move, I knew that my new place would have to be able to accommodate this chair. Lucky, the chair would have been a great fit for the living room of my
condo, as well as my bedroom- which is where it currently is.
I love the chair- the shape, pattern, and the memories associated with it.
My great grandfather passed away in 1998, when I was in grade 8, so I have a lot of memories of him- so much of my childhood was spent at his house. My great grandmother- who is turning 90 later this month- moved out of their house about two years ago.
I received a number of items from their house before it was sold, but this chair is by far my favourite. My sister also got a chair from my great grandmother...it's a furry, pink chair, with little ball/tassels. So 1960/1970's, but so amazing!
My great grandmother is a woman of beauty- her physical appearance, her inner soul, and her (former) home. Grandma will do anything for her family, making us all feel so loved. She is an Italian woman, so there was always food- pasta, salami, stuffed peppers, vegetables from the garden, chicken, bread, homemade cakes and cookies... Whatever you wanted, grandma had and would give to you.
This chair brings me back to her home, my childhood, teenage years, and 20's. Family meals, sleepovers, sick days from school, chats over coffee, brunch after mass on Sundays, running in the garden (where we were not allowed to play), trips to the playground, afternoons on the sun porch, making wine in the garage and salami in the basement.
I had a very happy childhood, and I know that I am incredibly blessed that my great grandparents were part of it.

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