Today I am saying goodbye to Rocky, someone I have known my entire life. His wife and my mom were good friends in high school- and still are to this day. His daughter is around my age, so I spent a lot of time with her when we were growing up. Throughout the years, Rocky and his family were part of my life.
Last Thursday, Rocky passed away. It was rather sudden. My heart goes out to his wife, children, and siblings. I can't imagine what they are feeling and are dealing with.
Rocky was also a politician, so I would see him on a regular basis at events and public meetings. He always made the point to say hello to me, ask how things were going, and to update me on his kids. Whenever I was in Chambers, he would make the point to come sit with me in the gallery for a few minutes and chat. He would also let my dad know I was there. Rocky was always looking out for me, making sure I was taken care of and that I was ok.
He was dedicated to his community and the people he represented. No issue was too small for him to look into and he always did what he could to help people. Rocky was also a proud francophone. He was an advocate for the francophone community, always advocating for the importance francophone culture. There was no one more passionate about the preservation and promotion.
I'm struggling with what to say...nothing sums up what I feel, how much Rocky will be missed, or the impact he had on our community. I feel that I will never be able to do him justice.
Rocky- I didn't have the chance to say goodbye to you. My heart hurts knowing I will never see you again, never sit in Chambers with you again, never talk to you again, never hug you again. We never had a grand adventure or a groundbreaking experience, but our interactions were of the small, ordinary kind- which I think is more significant. The role you played in my life, the fact that you were part of the day-to-day is more meaningful than a one-off big memory. I know that you would have done anything for me...I appreciate that, I really do.
I consider it an honour that I was part of your life, and you mine; and honour that I knew you since I was born. You were hardworking, dedicated, and passionate. Even though I am not a francophone, I will continue to learn about and support francophone culture in your memory.
Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour notre communaute, et pour moi. Je me souviendrai tourjours de toi. Tu vas nous manquer, Rocky.
Jusqu' a ce que nous nous retrouvions.

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