To like this season's cast of Big Brother- except for Paul...it would have been better if they hadn't brought him back. First time in a long time that the BB cast hasn't been super annoying. Also love that Big Brother Canada will be coming back for season 6 (previously announced that wouldn't be)!!!
That summer is going too quickly and I feel like I haven't done anything- even though I have done more already this summer than I did all last summer.
To recently been getting into youtube channels! I know I am late to the game, but I have recently started following youtubers- The Journey Girl, Erin Scott, Zoella, Safiya Nygaard. I've been spending more time watching youtube and less time watching Netflix.
That Royal Wood and David Myles- two of my favourite musicians- are both touring in the fall!! Haven't seen either of them in awhile, so I'm really looking forward to it!!
To see people I've known for awhile, how have worked so hard to go after their dreams, pushed through set backs and roadblocks, finally achieve their goals, dreams, and successes.

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