To be sad that summer is unofficially over. It went too quickly and I didn't spend enough days at the beach. While there are things I didn't get the chance to do this summer, I had a fantastic summer!
That I have lost interest in Big Brother this season. The majority of the houseguests, especially Josh and Paul, are so appalling that I can't stand to watch.
To be sad that my favourite summer smoothie/juice place will not be re-opening next summer; this is their last season.
That I met Joel Plaskett!! I am a huge fan and this was definitely one of the highlights of this summer!
To be going back to a paper planner this year. Last year, I switched from a Lilly Pulitzer planner to a happy planner- which did not work for me and that I stopped using before 2017 even started. I'm trying a paper planner again. We'll see how this works out.

my beloved happy planner :( haha