That, thanks to online shopping and Black Friday sales that last multiple days, I am almost done my Christmas shopping!! I have two more gifts to buy and I am good to go!
To be a Las Vegas Golden Knights fan based solely on their Twiiter feed, which is hilarious! I am still an NYR fan though...they are my team.
That I can't believe we are heading into the last month of 2017. Better make it a good one.
To think tiny houses are kind of cool, and to love the show Tiny House Hunters, but realize the tiny living lifestyle just isn't for me. There is no way I could live in such a small space and keep my sanity.
That I accomplished my musical trifecta this year!! I saw my three favourite musicians- Joel Plaskett, David Myles, and Royal Wood- in concert this year...and I got to chat with each of them after their shows!
To be a Las Vegas Golden Knights fan based solely on their Twiiter feed, which is hilarious! I am still an NYR fan though...they are my team.
That I can't believe we are heading into the last month of 2017. Better make it a good one.
To think tiny houses are kind of cool, and to love the show Tiny House Hunters, but realize the tiny living lifestyle just isn't for me. There is no way I could live in such a small space and keep my sanity.
That I accomplished my musical trifecta this year!! I saw my three favourite musicians- Joel Plaskett, David Myles, and Royal Wood- in concert this year...and I got to chat with each of them after their shows!

Sounds like you've had a great year so far! Let's hope 2018 is even better!