Back in January, I shared 10 Things I Love About Winter, so I thought I would do a Spring version!!
- Winter is over- I am not a winter fan. At all. It's too far away from Summer, my favourite season.
- Flowers- I REALLY like flowers!! I like how pretty and cheerful they are. We tulips in our backyard, and I love seeing them come up every Spring.
- Spring Fashion- While I love actual flowers, I am not a fan of flower prints. But I am happy to put away the bulky winter wear, and pull out the lightweight Spring comfortable!!
- Kentucky Derby- The first Saturday in May is KY Derby, my favourite day of the year!! Love watching the 'most exciting two minutes in sports' and all the lead up. My goals are to host Derby Party, eventually- I just need to get organized- and, of course, attend the Derby in person.
- Start of Patio Season- There is nothing like sitting on a patio with friends on a beautiful, warm, sunny, Spring day, enjoying a couple of drinks.
- Spring Showers- While I do love sunny weather, I also like Spring showers! I love the way the air smells, and it can be fun to take a walk in the rain. Plus the rain leads to green grass, leaves on trees, and flowers.
- May 2-4 Weekend- While technically in the middle of Spring, in Canada it is the unofficial start of Summer! A lot of people take this weekend to open their cottages, prep their properties for Summer (bringing out hammocks and BBQ's, opening pools, etc), and partake in the great summer tradition of camping. A lot of parks, campgrounds, conservation areas, officially open this weekend too.
- Being Outside- Winters in Canada can be LONG, so it's nice to be able to spend time outside without freezing or counting down until you can go back inside. It's nice to be outside and actually enjoy being outside.
- Longer Days- The days get longer with more sunlight, which is so amazing!! The sun is out when I head into work, and it's still out hours I get home from work. The daylight makes it feel like you have more time to do stuff...when it's dark you always like you should be in bed. Sunlight is motivating to be more productive.
- Open Windows- The temperature is perfect to have our windows open (it can get super humid in the Summer, where you'll want the windows closed and AC turned up)! Air out your home, enjoy the breeze, and let the fresh air in!!

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