My 2018 word, self-care, was inspired by someone who was one of my best friends. It was based on a conversation he and I had. He told me that he felt I should spend 2018 focusing on me because I spend so much time and energy focusing on others. He wasn't wrong. While this was a conversation that shaped my 2018, in July our friendship came to an had run it's course, and he was very needy and draining. I miss him and think of him fondly, and am thankful that he inspired me to take care of myself.
In 2018, there were weeks and months where self-care took a backseat to other things, but I did spend more time on self-care than in previous years. Eating habits changed (less eating out, more homecooked meals), I would spend nights in relaxing instead of feeling like I had to go out, I took more baths, incorporated essential oils, massage and other relaxation treatments, turning my phone off, doing more things because I wanted to and less things I felt obligated to. I can honestly say that I felt a lot happier in 2018, and self-care played a big role in that.
Thinking of my 'Word of the Year' was a bit of a challenge for 2019. I wanted a word that resonated with me, a word that I felt I could carry out long-term for the year, and not just short-term until I accomplished a specific goal. I did come up with a word, and it's something that I was lacking in 2018.
My 2019 Word of the Year is...
I heard a lot of talk in 2018 about valuing people, and I can tell you that I DID NOT feel valued in 2018- especially by the people who talked about how important it is to value people. It was lip service. We all know actions speak louder than words...and I can tell you there were no actions.
Now, I know that it might seem like my 2019 Word is coming from a negative place...and it is coming from a negative experience. That experience made me realize that I never want to feel unvalued again...and if I do, I need to get the hell out ASAP. I know my worth, and deserve to be valued.
Taking it even further, everyone deserves to be valued. At least at first...they might do something where they no longer deserve to be valued by you...but then you need to get out of dodge and move on from them! You know, because of self-value.
Towards the end of October, I had a conversation with Graham Brietenstein aka The 502 Kid aka
Drunk Astrology. Graham said something to me that was life changing at the time. It resonated with me and made me see things differently. It was his words that got me through the darkest time of 2018. Graham said:
"Human to human...everyone deserves to be valued."
In 2019, I want to always be in a position where I feel valued and not waste time or energy on people, places, and experiences that are devaluing. Taking it a step further, I want to make sure that I am valuing people and that people know they are valued by me. I want my words and actions to be clear to those around me that they are valued.

I love this. The lip service/lies are pretty sickening. We are valuable people and we deserve to be treated that way. :) I also love the turnaround to treat other people as valuable too.