That I originally thought it was a joke when Tim Horton's came out with a Double Double Timbit. Now that I know it's not a joke, I kinda want to try one. For my non-Canadian friends, 'double double' is a coffee with two cream and two sugar. Timbit is a donut hole.
To be attempting to do some organizing of my condo. I've lived here for over two years, and while I have been unpacked within days of moving in, I haven't gotten around to setting up the condo to be super functional. I rearranged my bedroom on the weekend, there's still a lot of putting things back that needs to be done. but it's a start!
That I didn't watch the Golden Globes...I'm usually not interested in award shows, but I actually wanted to watch because I wanted to see Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh host. I half forgot that the show was on and was half busy rearranging furniture in my bedroom.
To not care that The Bachelor started last night. Since I did a social experiment three years ago and watched Ben Higgins season, I haven't watched an episode. I just don't get it.
That I am reading and enjoying Michelle Obama's book Becoming. This was my pick for my book club this month. I went back and forth between this book and The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, which is about Ernest Hewingway's first wife Hadley and their life together in Paris. The Paris Wife is on my reading list, and I will eventually read it.

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